Thursday 6 December 2012

Salmond's Cat Trap


A pretty little girl  named Suzy was standing on the
pavement in front of her home. Next to her was a
basket containing a number of tiny creatures; in her
hand was a sign announcing 

Suddenly a line of big black cars pulled up beside
her. Out of the lead car stepped a chubby, grinning   man.

"Hi there little girl, I'm Alex Salmond.
What  do you have in the basket?" he asked.
"Kittens,"  little Suzy said.
"How old are they?" asked Salmond.
Suzy replied, "They're so young, their eyes aren't                 
even open yet."
"And what kind of kittens are they?"
"Scottish Nationalists," answered Suzy with a smile.
Salmond was delighted. As soon as he returned to his                 
car, he called his PR chief and told him about the little girl          
and the kittens.

Recognising the perfect photo opportunity, the two
men agreed that the Salmond should return the next
day; and in front of the assembled media, have the                 
girl talk about her discerning kittens.

So the next day, Suzy was again standing on the
pavement with her basket of "FREE KITTENS" when
another motorcade pulled up, this time followed by
vans from STV, BBC, and CNN.

Cameras and audio equipment were quickly set up, then
Salmond got out of his limo and walked over to little

"Hello, again," he said, "I'd love it if you would
tell all my friends out there what kind of kittens
you're giving away."

"Yes sir," Suzy said. "They're UK Independants."

Taken by surprise, the Salmond stammered,                 
"But...but...yesterday, you told me they were SCOTTISH                 

Little Suzy smiled and said, "I know.               
But today, they have their eyes open."

Friday 12 October 2012

EU and Peace Prize

From Stephen Crowther Chairman Ukip


      The EU claimed at the outbreak of the Bosnian civil war in 1991 that 'The hour of Europe has come'. Jacques Poos, who held the rotating presidency of the EU at the time boasted the EU would stop the war in Bosnia. Four years later, the EU had still done nothing, 250,000 Bosnians were dead or displaced, and it took the Americans to put it right.

      The EU sold Gaddafi's Libya around €300 million worth of arms and arms licenses over a 5 year period before his overthrow. The Guardian has a very revealing exposé of this. Source:

·           Interesting that this was the same Gaddafi's Libya they said in a joint statement from Van Rompuy and Barroso was one of 'repression and despotism'. Source: 

·           How EU 'peace keepers' in the Congo during Operation Artemis were accused of torture. Heavily armed Europeans torturing Africans isn't exactly peaceful. Source:,,3223692,00.html

·           The EU is a major arms dealer on the world market, making over $400 billion. The liberal New York Times has called the EU hypocritical.

·           Somali piracy. In the 1990s, EU fishing fleets destroyed the fish stocks off the Horn of Africa. As a result, desperate former fishermen in Somalia resorted to piracy. The African Prospects Magazine estimates that EU fleets stole five times the commercial value of fish from Somali waters that Somali receives in foreign aid each year. The destruction of the Somali coastal economy has bred piracy and violence.

·           Now piracy off the Horn of Africa is one of the most serious challenges to global security. It has been estimated that it costs the global economy $8 BILLION a year. Around 80% of these costs are born by commercial shipping firms, who have to pay much higher insurance premiums, pay for armed guards on board and put extra fuel in their boats so they can pass through danger spots quicker.

·           The Nobel Peace Prize has an interesting list of former nominees. Soviet dictator Josef Stalin was nominated twice in 1945 and 1948. The first nomination was on the grounds he was going to help end World War 2, and thus create peace.

·           One former winner is Yasser Arafat who won it in 1993. Arafat is on record as saying "Peace for us means the destruction of Israel. We are preparing for an all-out war, a war which will last for generations".

·           Norway refused twice to join the EU, in two separate referendums.
·           Barack Obama was given the prize just two months into office. He beat Morgan Tsvanagarai to the prize, who had bravely faced down Mugabe for years in Zimbabwe. Obama went on to expand the war in Afghanistan and backed NATO attacks on Libya.
·           What will the EU do with the prize money? Will it donate some to the EU mechanism for stability? Maybe the EU will give some of the prize money to Spain, which is now so poor thanks to the Euro, that the Red Cross are handing out food parcels.


Tuesday 3 July 2012

Thoughts on the EU Project

Let is give a thought to the European Project as is is now called. There are to be no more wars and Europe will live in peace for evermore. Not a bad idea but NATO was ensuring that. Next there was to be a happy brotherhood of nations all in love with each other but of very different cultures and languages. The US have managed it so can we. Forgotten; the US is a young country by European standards and do not have a long history behind them. Next let us have a nice new currency so that holiday makers do not have to bother with the tedious business of buying D marks, liras, drachmas etc. Good idea but some countries liked to work and others liked to sit under an olive tree sipping black coffee and/or wine. No trouble here as the books could be fudged to show that the country was indeed solvent and could afford to be a member of the club. Anyway if not, there would be a  nice subsidy form those who could. It was to be a good idea to some as there would be a lot of cash to spend on some good roads, buildings, businesses etc to say nothing of the fine salaries that had to follow together with a nice pension at the end of the day. They had a field day but then came the crunch. Money ran out. No problem. The hard workers would pay; but would they or better still would the people pay? There by hangs the dilemma. In recent history there have been several attempts to bring nations together with varying success. Germany did it in the nineteenth century, successfully as there was a common culture and language. Russia failed, Yugoslavia failed, so too little Cyprus where both language and cultures were different. The UK is heading in that direction with the policy of immigration that will cause huge problems in the not too distant future. The same is probably happening across Europe too. What should Britain do? Simple, get out now while the going is good and we are not dragged further into a dirty and prolonged mess. Get Cameron off the fence upon which he has climbed so that the people can decide. They are not daft like the politicians appear to be.

Friday 22 June 2012

Political Confession

I remain confused by politicians and never cease to wonder why they do not listen to me! Ever since this country started importing labour to fill the jobs created for our youth I have been banging on about this foolhardiness and lack of foresight. Now we have one of the founders of this policy admitting the last government was wrong! Yes,Ed Milliband. Listening to John Denham wheeling and dealing with words to explain it, claiming that immigrant labour was necessary to fill the gaps in our own labour force was absolutely farcical. You will recall that thousands of jobs were created for our youth and  that all were taken up by people from Eastern Europe. Nothing could be done about that, of course, as the EU had opened our borders. There seems to be some progress in the control of people from the rest of the world with tighter controls at the airports. However we are left with a diminishing native population with ghettos sprouting everywhere and a country that is slowly being handed over to the powers in Brussels, with their debt and all. I look forward to wakening on that Monday morning to hear that Brussels has finally blown apart, Barroso. Rumphy Humpy, Fuhrerein Merkel and all.

Monday 11 June 2012

EU Number Plates

There may be no better time to show your support for your country. Remove the EU emblem from you vehicle number plate. Many think this is legal necessity but it is not. Also it is thought that it is required for travel in Europe. It is not. All that is required is a national sticker. So with the EU imploding either replace the number plate adding your regional flag with GB or purchase a sticker from the UKIP Shop In this way we can add to the ever increasing number of vehicles that have either a plain plate or one that is national. Long live Britannia!

Saturday 9 June 2012

Headache. The EU Cure

Spain has been promised 100bn euros to shore up its ailing banks. Will this cure the chronic problems within the euro zone? Yet again the whole point is being missed. When treating a disease it is the cause that matters and not so much the symptoms, not that the latter are not important but to hope for a cure treating these will get you nowhere. From the very start of the European project, as it now called, any attempt to rationalise the impossible task of bringing so many divergent nations together under one umbrella was totally ignored. There were fudges, deceits, subterfuge and total lack of democracy. It is now time as it was many moons ago, to revise the whole structure and recognise the many nations that compose the whole wretched organisation. Germany will not support them as they stand. We all know that this was their aim at the start of the last century and that did not work. The goal posts have moved and now they are to be expected to support them without tyranny. They will not. Who will? A break up has to happen with nations returning to their own management, particularly the fringe states, perhaps leaving a central core which might exist for a short while until Germany and France fall out! For Britain to be outside euroland is indeed a fortunate freak occurrence (against the wishes of such "silly" people like one K Clarke MP) and it looks that the dream of a referendum is not too far away. If won the world will become our oyster again with so many opportunities long denied us by the unelected scoundrels in Brussels. Think of world trade, the Commonwealth, fishing, agriculture to mention just a few huge opportunities. For the sake of our children I cringe if this does not happen.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

The Traitor Clarke

Copied from the Peoples' Pledge. The best place for one dishonourable K Clarke is the Traitor's Gate. Dear Supporter, This man called you “silly” A few days ago, The Rt Hon Kenneth Clarke QC MP said on Radio 4: “A referendum on our membership of the EU is an irrelevance. It is the demand of a few Right-wing journalists and a few extreme nationalist politicians. I cannot think of anything sillier to do than to hold a referendum.” As one who has signed the People’s Pledge, do you think an In/Out referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union is silly? Of course not. And nor do the other 108,760 Pledgers. A massive 70% of the British people want an EU referendum. The polls clearly show it. Thurrock people said they want a referendum In Thurrock, Essex, the proportion of people who want a referendum is even higher than that. It’s 90%. How do I know that? Well, the People’s Pledge asked them. Between 11 February and 5 April this year we knocked on doors in Thurrock. Electoral Reform Services Ltd, an independent balloting company, sent them ballot papers and 14,590 people voted. 89.9% of them agreed with a referendum. The 30.4% turnout was higher than the 24.6% at the local council elections in May. That huge response shows Kenneth Clarke what people think is important. The local Tory MP, Jackie Doyle-Price, has a wafer-thin majority of just 92. Does she agree with Ken Clarke that 13,111 of her constituents are “silly”? Help us prove Ken Clarke wrong. Here’s how. The People’s Pledge campaign has stepped up a gear and needs your help. We are now running three local referendums in the constituencies of Cheadle, Hazel Grove and Manchester Withington, all in Greater Manchester. The three constituencies are held by Liberal Democrats MPs who all pledged a referendum on British membership of the EU at the last general election. There are about 150,000 doors to leaflet and on which to knock to askpeople if they would like a national referendum on the EU. It’s 37 years since the country voted in a referendum to stay in the Common Market. These days the European Union has a political dimension as well that economic one. Democracy doesn’t come cheap! Campaigning and the balloting process costs money and we have an urgent need to get more leaflets out to the voters in the Greater Manchester constituencies. Our first referendum in Thurrock made people sit up and listen. The campaign in Greater Manchester will heap even more pressure on MPs in Westminster. So far, 71 MPs have signed the People’s Pledge (see a list here). But we need many more. It costs about £50 to leaflet just one polling district and there are [130] of them to get round. The more money we raise, the more leaflets we can deliver, the more doors we can knock on, the more voters in Cheadle, Hazel Grove and Manchester Withington will vote for a referendum, the more MPs we’ll sign up, and the more likely it is we will achieve our goal of a national referendum for all of us. And when THAT happens it won’t be People’s Pledge supporters left looking silly! So, please, please Donate generously today. With very best wishes, Ian McKenzie Director of the People’s Pledge PS The three Greater Manchester campaigns really are critical so we need you to be as generous as you can. Thank you so much for all your help so far!

Sunday 3 June 2012

Diamond Jubilee

Having seen the wonderful pageant on the River Thames today and under such appalling weather one is left with a real pride in Britain. Yet again those who organise such events have shown a wonderful expertise that can be second to none. Her Majesty has surely deserved it all. She looked wonderful and was obviously enjoying all. Of all the participants the greatest praise has to go to the singers with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Standing on the top deck of the barge in the pouring rain, drenched from the head down, they sang with enthusiasm that brought tears to ones eyes. Bravo!! We are indeed very fortunate to have a Queen who has served us so well over the last 60 years. She was taken to the Royal Barge in the launch of the Royal Yacht Britannia that now lies in a dock in Leith at the whim of politicians all for the sake of a £50m refit that we "could " no longer afford. This yacht was a great asset of the nation serving not only her Majesty but the country as a whole by all the trade and good will it brought us. It was a home to her and a vessel where she could relax gaining some respite from the public eye. It was a mean trick and all for a day's contribution to the EU. Now is the time to return this vessel to her service. It would be a small price for what she has done for us and she surely deserves it. Long live the Monarchy. We bless you Ma'm.

Monday 14 May 2012

Hands Up EU

We are watching the results of the EU intransigence and sheer unadulterated adherence to a philosophy that has never worked or will ever work. The EU dream has been built on deceit and sheer trickery so will fail. But in doing so it will bring untold damage to the economies of most of the world. Do they care? Of course not. Greece is a victim of its own foolhardiness in adopting the euro through the manipulations of its economy. I see no reason for its continued membership. It should adopt the drachma again and run its own economy as it sees fit. The Greek people like the euro as it "gives us freedom to move about Europe without having to change currencies." This is crazy thinking as no thought has been given to the implications of the demands by other users of the same wretched system. Hence the austerity foisted on them by the erstwhile conquerors of their country. In the meantime Spain, Italy and Portugal are at the brink of collapse with Ireland knocking at the door. Merkel will be enjoying a schnaps with the new president of France, Hollande. Does growth and austerity mix? Not in that woman's eyes. The stock markets around the world are not happy and all because of those idiots in Brussels. It is time they went so that the rest of us can be governed by governments we elect and throw out when they fail-all to often I fear. It is time that we had the referendum on membership of the EU. We need a say in our destiny, so Cameron, do something about it now before you ruin this country further.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Murder of the Regiments

The government is at it again. The destruction of our regiments is to continue and with them goes even more of our proud history and sense of nationhood. Hammond the Defence minister wishes to destroy the great names of the Royal Scots, Black Watch and Argylls and this is all in the name of austerity. In the meantime we continue to pour into the coffers in Brussels £50m daily together with all the rest that is required to keep up with the tight strangle hold of implementing regulations. Cameron has said that he will negotiate our continued relations with Brussels but he does nothing. Lies and more lies. Where is there hope in the political elite? They are all the same, those so-called main parties with nothing to choose between them. It is time for change and the sooner the better. I shudder for the youth.

Saturday 5 May 2012

The Growth of Democracy

So that is it, the local elections are over and there is a little egg flying around. Labour is gloating, of course, but not an awful lot of people voted. Is that because they are fed up with politics and the persistent promises and lies? We must not forget that local elections are different from the national and EU merry-go-rounds as local issues are of importance and personalities dominate. However on this occasion national events will have had an effect. There is the failure of the coalition the make any impact on the national crises as they are quite unable and unwilling to address the real and fundamental problems, the EU and the euro. Both of these are having catastrophic effects globally. The EU will fail eventually but the eurocrats will pursue their dream until the bitter end causing misery to all. Like many tyrants they will seek asylum in some third world country to live the life of luxury on their ill-gotten gains; your and my money. The party of navel gazers, the Lib Dems had a particularly bad time and that was to be expected. They live in a fantasy world of make-believe and can never be regarded as leaders of substance. At long last the nation is starting to hear of Ukip and realise that they are no longer a group of old and bold trying to re-establish the past. It is a party representing all, both young and old, who have a real concern for our once great country. Such is apparently not part of the so called major parties ideology. That has to be why Ukip is making such a great appeal to the nation and will continue to do so. They are biting at the heals of the Lib Dems and it will not be long before that group reap their just deserves of oblivion. Ukip must continue to hammer home the right we have of a self governing and independent state. Their policies are sound covering all fields of government. Their belief in world trade especially within the Commonwealth is right, and the fact that European countries will continue to trade with is rightly acknowledged. Well done Ukip, continue the fight. You are the only party that has belief in the UK. Fly the flag, shout from the roof tops, in the drawing and dining rooms. Keep Ukip on your lips at all times. There is no fear of being boring. There is a need to stop the eternal oscillations between the Tories and Labour. They are as bad as each other and very little difference between them.