Wednesday 6 June 2012

The Traitor Clarke

Copied from the Peoples' Pledge. The best place for one dishonourable K Clarke is the Traitor's Gate. Dear Supporter, This man called you “silly” A few days ago, The Rt Hon Kenneth Clarke QC MP said on Radio 4: “A referendum on our membership of the EU is an irrelevance. It is the demand of a few Right-wing journalists and a few extreme nationalist politicians. I cannot think of anything sillier to do than to hold a referendum.” As one who has signed the People’s Pledge, do you think an In/Out referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union is silly? Of course not. And nor do the other 108,760 Pledgers. A massive 70% of the British people want an EU referendum. The polls clearly show it. Thurrock people said they want a referendum In Thurrock, Essex, the proportion of people who want a referendum is even higher than that. It’s 90%. How do I know that? Well, the People’s Pledge asked them. Between 11 February and 5 April this year we knocked on doors in Thurrock. Electoral Reform Services Ltd, an independent balloting company, sent them ballot papers and 14,590 people voted. 89.9% of them agreed with a referendum. The 30.4% turnout was higher than the 24.6% at the local council elections in May. That huge response shows Kenneth Clarke what people think is important. The local Tory MP, Jackie Doyle-Price, has a wafer-thin majority of just 92. Does she agree with Ken Clarke that 13,111 of her constituents are “silly”? Help us prove Ken Clarke wrong. Here’s how. The People’s Pledge campaign has stepped up a gear and needs your help. We are now running three local referendums in the constituencies of Cheadle, Hazel Grove and Manchester Withington, all in Greater Manchester. The three constituencies are held by Liberal Democrats MPs who all pledged a referendum on British membership of the EU at the last general election. There are about 150,000 doors to leaflet and on which to knock to askpeople if they would like a national referendum on the EU. It’s 37 years since the country voted in a referendum to stay in the Common Market. These days the European Union has a political dimension as well that economic one. Democracy doesn’t come cheap! Campaigning and the balloting process costs money and we have an urgent need to get more leaflets out to the voters in the Greater Manchester constituencies. Our first referendum in Thurrock made people sit up and listen. The campaign in Greater Manchester will heap even more pressure on MPs in Westminster. So far, 71 MPs have signed the People’s Pledge (see a list here). But we need many more. It costs about £50 to leaflet just one polling district and there are [130] of them to get round. The more money we raise, the more leaflets we can deliver, the more doors we can knock on, the more voters in Cheadle, Hazel Grove and Manchester Withington will vote for a referendum, the more MPs we’ll sign up, and the more likely it is we will achieve our goal of a national referendum for all of us. And when THAT happens it won’t be People’s Pledge supporters left looking silly! So, please, please Donate generously today. With very best wishes, Ian McKenzie Director of the People’s Pledge PS The three Greater Manchester campaigns really are critical so we need you to be as generous as you can. Thank you so much for all your help so far!

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