Monday 14 May 2012

Hands Up EU

We are watching the results of the EU intransigence and sheer unadulterated adherence to a philosophy that has never worked or will ever work. The EU dream has been built on deceit and sheer trickery so will fail. But in doing so it will bring untold damage to the economies of most of the world. Do they care? Of course not. Greece is a victim of its own foolhardiness in adopting the euro through the manipulations of its economy. I see no reason for its continued membership. It should adopt the drachma again and run its own economy as it sees fit. The Greek people like the euro as it "gives us freedom to move about Europe without having to change currencies." This is crazy thinking as no thought has been given to the implications of the demands by other users of the same wretched system. Hence the austerity foisted on them by the erstwhile conquerors of their country. In the meantime Spain, Italy and Portugal are at the brink of collapse with Ireland knocking at the door. Merkel will be enjoying a schnaps with the new president of France, Hollande. Does growth and austerity mix? Not in that woman's eyes. The stock markets around the world are not happy and all because of those idiots in Brussels. It is time they went so that the rest of us can be governed by governments we elect and throw out when they fail-all to often I fear. It is time that we had the referendum on membership of the EU. We need a say in our destiny, so Cameron, do something about it now before you ruin this country further.

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