Tuesday 3 July 2012

Thoughts on the EU Project

Let is give a thought to the European Project as is is now called. There are to be no more wars and Europe will live in peace for evermore. Not a bad idea but NATO was ensuring that. Next there was to be a happy brotherhood of nations all in love with each other but of very different cultures and languages. The US have managed it so can we. Forgotten; the US is a young country by European standards and do not have a long history behind them. Next let us have a nice new currency so that holiday makers do not have to bother with the tedious business of buying D marks, liras, drachmas etc. Good idea but some countries liked to work and others liked to sit under an olive tree sipping black coffee and/or wine. No trouble here as the books could be fudged to show that the country was indeed solvent and could afford to be a member of the club. Anyway if not, there would be a  nice subsidy form those who could. It was to be a good idea to some as there would be a lot of cash to spend on some good roads, buildings, businesses etc to say nothing of the fine salaries that had to follow together with a nice pension at the end of the day. They had a field day but then came the crunch. Money ran out. No problem. The hard workers would pay; but would they or better still would the people pay? There by hangs the dilemma. In recent history there have been several attempts to bring nations together with varying success. Germany did it in the nineteenth century, successfully as there was a common culture and language. Russia failed, Yugoslavia failed, so too little Cyprus where both language and cultures were different. The UK is heading in that direction with the policy of immigration that will cause huge problems in the not too distant future. The same is probably happening across Europe too. What should Britain do? Simple, get out now while the going is good and we are not dragged further into a dirty and prolonged mess. Get Cameron off the fence upon which he has climbed so that the people can decide. They are not daft like the politicians appear to be.

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