Saturday 5 May 2012

The Growth of Democracy

So that is it, the local elections are over and there is a little egg flying around. Labour is gloating, of course, but not an awful lot of people voted. Is that because they are fed up with politics and the persistent promises and lies? We must not forget that local elections are different from the national and EU merry-go-rounds as local issues are of importance and personalities dominate. However on this occasion national events will have had an effect. There is the failure of the coalition the make any impact on the national crises as they are quite unable and unwilling to address the real and fundamental problems, the EU and the euro. Both of these are having catastrophic effects globally. The EU will fail eventually but the eurocrats will pursue their dream until the bitter end causing misery to all. Like many tyrants they will seek asylum in some third world country to live the life of luxury on their ill-gotten gains; your and my money. The party of navel gazers, the Lib Dems had a particularly bad time and that was to be expected. They live in a fantasy world of make-believe and can never be regarded as leaders of substance. At long last the nation is starting to hear of Ukip and realise that they are no longer a group of old and bold trying to re-establish the past. It is a party representing all, both young and old, who have a real concern for our once great country. Such is apparently not part of the so called major parties ideology. That has to be why Ukip is making such a great appeal to the nation and will continue to do so. They are biting at the heals of the Lib Dems and it will not be long before that group reap their just deserves of oblivion. Ukip must continue to hammer home the right we have of a self governing and independent state. Their policies are sound covering all fields of government. Their belief in world trade especially within the Commonwealth is right, and the fact that European countries will continue to trade with is rightly acknowledged. Well done Ukip, continue the fight. You are the only party that has belief in the UK. Fly the flag, shout from the roof tops, in the drawing and dining rooms. Keep Ukip on your lips at all times. There is no fear of being boring. There is a need to stop the eternal oscillations between the Tories and Labour. They are as bad as each other and very little difference between them.

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