Saturday 9 June 2012

Headache. The EU Cure

Spain has been promised 100bn euros to shore up its ailing banks. Will this cure the chronic problems within the euro zone? Yet again the whole point is being missed. When treating a disease it is the cause that matters and not so much the symptoms, not that the latter are not important but to hope for a cure treating these will get you nowhere. From the very start of the European project, as it now called, any attempt to rationalise the impossible task of bringing so many divergent nations together under one umbrella was totally ignored. There were fudges, deceits, subterfuge and total lack of democracy. It is now time as it was many moons ago, to revise the whole structure and recognise the many nations that compose the whole wretched organisation. Germany will not support them as they stand. We all know that this was their aim at the start of the last century and that did not work. The goal posts have moved and now they are to be expected to support them without tyranny. They will not. Who will? A break up has to happen with nations returning to their own management, particularly the fringe states, perhaps leaving a central core which might exist for a short while until Germany and France fall out! For Britain to be outside euroland is indeed a fortunate freak occurrence (against the wishes of such "silly" people like one K Clarke MP) and it looks that the dream of a referendum is not too far away. If won the world will become our oyster again with so many opportunities long denied us by the unelected scoundrels in Brussels. Think of world trade, the Commonwealth, fishing, agriculture to mention just a few huge opportunities. For the sake of our children I cringe if this does not happen.

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