Monday 8 November 2010

Nigel and the Media

Congratulations to Nigel Farage on his relection to the leadership of UKIP. How many have noticed that in spite of UKIP being the second largest UK party in Brussels and the majority of the electorate supporting their aims, the Daily Telegraph virtually ignored this result? NIgel was mentioned, it is true, but at the bottom of an inner page coupled an unrelated matter about Nikki Sinclaire. Even the BBC gave reasonable coverage.That has to be an achievement!

Why is that the Telegraph has to so negative and I would say disparaging? There are many writers who are symapthetic to the aim of leaving the EU including,Simon Heffer, Charles Moore,James Delingpole, Christopher Booker in the Sunday editon, and many others. Even the editor in his editorial today was highly sceptic. To have the paper reply to any letter of complaint is impossible. Perhaps the paper is really too much the Torygraph to become more representative of the public. The time is ripe for the people of our land to stand up and be counted against the tyranny from Europe. Persistent letters to the media must help so please do as I say (and do!). It is high time that the Telegraph understood that there are sceptics not only amongst the Tories but are strongly represented by UKIP. There are some in the Labour Party too. I am not sure about the Europhile Whigs as most seem to be intent on denying our country to its rightful citizens.

There one other way of drawing attention to us; by a stunt or two but not by falling out of the skies. Enough of that Nigel,thank you.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

It gets no better, does it?

We have Madam Ashton spending our money as though there is no fiscal upheaval and no tomorrow. This money goes on financing new EU embassies and bullet proof limousines to the tune of some £38m on these vehicles alone. Then we have MEPs and the commission wanting to spend an extra 6% with David Cameron saying ”no”, but yielding to 2.9% which is really 3% like the old trick of 1.99.

Today we hear that criminals, who have shunned their rights by the crimes they have committed being granted the right to vote as the Human Rights lot in Europe have ruled it is against their “rights” to be denied this democratic privilege. At least Cameron is alleged to be furious!

We have entered into a military treaty with France to share two aircraft carriers as we can no longer afford to keep the Ark Royal or supply planes to the two that are to be built. One is to be moth-balled or sold. Tell me what is to happen should there be a crisis? The French have deployed their vessel somewhere, ours is in for its routine refit lasting three years and war breaks out in one of our dependencies, so what do we do> Nothing, because we can not. Not quite as the war can be won with submarines we are told. In the meantime we continue to poor £45m plus daily into Brussels and build wind turbines.

Our children continue to learn little at school while teachers are forced to manipulate targets to prove how good the system is. Those who manage to get to university leave with a slender chance of a job and a large overdraft while so called IT experts from aboard take what jobs there are, be it in IT or often in a different field so depriving our own graduates. Then again is the mad policy of creating an army of graduates and no tradesmen, only to fill the gap with émigrés from Europe instead of them using their skills in their own country.
Politicians and the government have gone mad.

I write this on the day of the Mid Term elections in the US. I wait and look forward to dramatic inroads by the Tea Party who are similar in their ideals to UKIP. We should have much to learn form this heroic group.

Saturday 14 August 2010

The Big Society and Carbon Sin

Several weeks ago I sent a letter to Mr.David Cameron PM after he had announced his plan for the "Big Society". At last, we as citizens would have the chance to share in government so it was in full of hope that I wrote him "suggesting" that he should give us the referendum he had promised on the EU Constitution/Lisbon Treaty and also give us one on membership of the EU. We all know that we have never been asked to governed by foreign powers and it is certainly time that our consensus be sort. I for one will certainly not give it!

Guess what, there has been no reply not even from one of the many minions employed by us to write the usual letter that "the contents have been noted and thanks for contacting the PM". Again the politicians prefer to stay on a different planet than the rest of us. The "Big Society" sounds a very good idea, but what does it really mean? We have heard no more about it since he announced it all those weeks ago so it may be just one of those Goebbel's-type propaganda exercises.

There have been a number of frightful edicts issuing from Europe in the last few months:
1. The smacking of children
2. Continuing control of our banking systems
3. The political flag of the ring stars is to be flown from public buildings especially from those which have been in receipt of our money courtesy of the EU. By the way have you noticed that the alter in Westminster has been draped in this same political emblem?
4. Fines are to levied on airlines who had to ground aircraft following the volcanic ash scare on the instructions of governments.
5. Persistent carbon control with impossible targets that only serve to enrich the likes of Al Gore and put surcharges on all fuels. CO2 is a natural gas on which all living creatures depend.

That is just but a few and while on the subject of CO2, have you noticed that the Methodist Church is considering the making of this gas a Sin? You have? Well you could go to Hell for breathing out this gas so may be it is time to turn up our toes before we are to be treated to eternal damnation.

The world is going crazy and I long for the time when we can again be governed by our own elected politicians who have a love of their country with a knowledge of life outside politics. Save us from lawyers!

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Simple Answers

It is some weeks since the election and we have had time to get used to the coalition of Lib/Dem Con. As was to be suspected after the disasters of the previous government this beloved country is in dire straits and getting worse by the day. Thanks to the machinations of Brown et al. we are all poorer with belts getting tighter. We have the disaster in the Mexican Gulf, there are the financial deceits of the Greeks coming home to roost, Germans starting to revolt against having to bail them out and the promise of worse to come from the other members of the PIIGS brigade. Spain seems to be leading the way here and am I not glad that I do not have property there on ground that I do not own!

I can see it coming. It will not be long before we will dragged into the mire to help bail out this lot with money we do not have in spite of not being part of the Eurozone. More and more debt. There is one simple answer to most of our country's problems and that is to leave the EU once and for all, so saving billions of pounds in one fell swoop; in the order of £150bn annually when all the expenses of implication of EU regulations are brought into the equation. Good bye deficit! But no, our dear coalition remains firmly attached to the apron strings of Brussels/Strasbourg.

There is no doubt that we are over governed so the removal of this one layer would go a long way on the road to recovery. But it should not stop there as we need to rationalise at home too, ridding ourselves of Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland MPs and have the elected ones in Westminster return to their countries regularly to work on local matters. So much time and money is wasted on hot air.

One other huge waste of money is the scam of man-made global warming/climate change (call it what you will). Daily there are more and more exposures of the deceit being practised upon us by "expert scientists" in the IPCC, Met. Office and the East Anglia College. For this we are having to face huge sums for carbon exchanges and ineffectual wind turbines which inconveniently stop when the wind dies. Carbon dioxide is an essential part of life and can rise many fold before it can bring about meaningful temperature rises. The earth has been there before and life has continued. Somewhat inconveniently the earth is now cooling, ice caps grow and polar are thriving. Anyone notice the cold winter and spring? Have a good day.

Thursday 6 May 2010

Crisis in the EU

Election day and the crisis grows in the EU by the minute . The Greek horrors are having implications world wide in financial markets . Thanks again for this wretched institution which is affecting us all. It is becoming more apparent that the sooner we are out and the the EU collapses the better for all. Voting for the sole party that seems to recognise this, UKIP, is the only practical way forward. Its continuation will lead to hardships for everyone across the country.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

The Great Day

It has been a good campaign and the response has been terrific. I am sure that all those who have indicated support will indeed register it in the quiet of the polling booth. We are after numbers so that we can show the country that we care and have the solutions to put our wonderful Kingdom back to where it belongs. It is so important that we vote with both our head and heart. It is principles that matter and there is no mileage voting to just put another party out. It is unlikely that Brown will be back in Number 10. Whatever else happens, even a hung parliament, will be better than 5 more years of his misrule.

There has to be change in the voting system to reflect the mood of the country. For too long now the effective two party system has not given us the government we deserve and has been anything but representative. The Lib.Dems are looking for this change too but they are dangerous as they are too keen to relinquish further control to Brussels. Imagine the disaster of being part of the Euro now. It is bad enough as it is under the Brown years. The SNP is no better as they are looking for the "sanctuary" of the EU instead of being part of the United Kingdom. Crazy!

When you go to the polling station tomorrow please remember that it is our country we want back without foreign intervention. In this way we can grow again and take a useful part in the world as a whole.

Remember this quotation from John Quincy Adams, 6th President of the United States;

"Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweet reflection that your vote is never lost."

Thank you for your support

Sunday 2 May 2010


With days to go we in UKIP remain the only true opposition to the status quo. The failed main parties continue to fail to address the fiscal crisis,immigration, EU membership and the huge cost that this involves. Furthermore I still have to hear of a fair assessment of the true cause of climate change. The media continues to ignore the smaller parties harping on about the tiny differences that exist between the larger ones. Here in Scotland we have the SNP with their unrealistic ideals of devolution under Europe. As I have said before there is no such animal. Scotland can not exist alone as we do not have the resources. It is vital that we remain within the one country of the UK. We in Scotland have not lost our identity up to now and we will never do so.

Come polling day it is so important that we stand up to be counted in our beliefs. We must not vote tactically just to remove a party we do not like. Should we do so we will never have a true opposition until there is a change in the system of voting. Hard times are ahead because of the dreadful policies of Blair and Brown which are well recognised. We need an open, listening government which is committed to representing us. As we have seen repeatedly politicians rarely get it right. We need jobs for our workers so that we can start manufacturing again. We need to reduce those in the non-jobs of government. We need to improve education and get a better balance between those able to go to universities and those who would be far happier with one of the many worthwhile trades. Society needs this balance for the good of all. There has to be a shake up of Primary Care so that this originates from surgeries again and not from the unworkable NHS24. Immigration must be controlled and that includes those coming from Europe. This country dose not have the space or the resources for all these extra people. Finally crime has to be properly punished and the rights of victims must become before those of the aggressors who by their very actions have waived them. Good luck and enjoy

Talk straight. Stand up and be counted

Saturday 1 May 2010


This is an interesting conclusion to the inconvenient eruption in Iceland from a colleague in the States.


So true, and this has been going on 4 Billion years. Long, long long, before mankind, combustion engines, or cattle herds were around to expel carbon dioxide. Nothing really new about climate change on Earth. It's been going on for Billions of years and it will be going on for billions of years after something has replaced species homo sapiens.

All of you out there in America and across the globe who have fought so hard to tackle the hideous enemy of our planet, namely carbon emissions, you know ....that bogus god you worship of "Climate Change" or "global warming" ....well, I feel it is necessary to inform you of some bad news. It really does pain me to have to bring you this disappointing information.

Are you sitting down?

Okay, here's the bombshell. The current volcanic eruption going on in Iceland, since its first spewing of volcanic ash this past week, has, to this point, NEGATED EVERY SINGLE EFFORT you have made in the past five years to control CO2 emissions on our planet.

I know, I know.... (group hug)'s very disheartening to realize that all of the carbon emission savings you have accomplished while suffering the inconvenience and expense of: driving Prius hybrids, buying fabric grocery bags, sitting up till midnight to finish your kid's "The Green Revolution" science project, throwing out all of your non-green cleaning supplies, using only two squares of toilet paper, putting a brick in your toilet tank reservoir, selling your SUV and speedboat, going on vacation to a city park instead of Yosemite, nearly getting hit every day on your bicycle, replacing all of your $1 light bulbs with $10 light bulbs ...well, all of those things you have done have all gone down the tubes in just the past four days.

The volcanic ash emitted into the Earth's atmosphere in the past four days has totally erased every single effort you have made to reduce the evil beast, carbon. And, those hundreds of thousands of American jobs you helped move to Asia with expensive emissions demands on businesses... you know, the ones that are creating even more emissions than when they were creating American jobs, well I just know that seems worthwhile now.

I'm so sorry. And I do wish I had a silver lining to this volcanic ash cloud but the fact of the matter is that the brush fire season across the western U.S.A. will start in about two months and those fires will negate your efforts to reduce carbon in our world for the next two years.

But hey, grab a Coke, give the world a hug and have a nice day!

Thursday 29 April 2010

Brown's Crisis

What are the lessons we should learn about Mr. Brown's encounter with Mrs. Duffy? On the face of it she asked some very reasonable questions without malice and genuine concern. The answers she got also seemed reasonable for a Prime Minister fighting for his life. There were also friendly comments about her life and family. Why did he call her a bigot and then blame his aide "Sue" who has been at his side for years? It would seem to me to reflect badly upon the ruling elite in this country and their attitude to the people they are supposed to represent. The electors are to be wooed then forgotten about. We have had the scandal of the parliamentary expenses and the greed that it has displayed. We have the lack of honesty relating to the state of the country's finances. We also have the deceit about the EU Constitution referendum. We are desperately in need of a radical shake up of government. That is my bigotry!

Tuesday 27 April 2010

EU and the Economy

The following is a message from Lord Pearson, UKIP Party Leader. He is revealing the severity of the current financial crisis. When will the failed main parties take their heads out of the sand?

“It is dishonest to talk about repairing our economy without mentioning the colossal cost of our EU membership”.

In 2008, the latest year for which the Government statistics are available:

The Government spent: £707 billion
Less what it raised in tax: £540 billion
= a resultant ‘deficit’ of: £167 billion

A. The TaxPayers’ Alliance estimates the overall cost of our EU membership at £120 billion per annum (over-regulation, loss of our fishing, extra food costs of £1,000 per family per annum, etc.).

Of this, in 2008, £16.4 billion went in cash to Brussels.

£16.4 billion p.a. = “£45 million pounds a day” (gross) – our slogan

£45 million per day pays for 2,125 nurses, for a year, at £21,000 p.a. So “For the money we send the EU every day, we could pay the annual salaries of 2,125 nurses”.

But Brussels gives back some of what we send (e.g. £2 billion per annum for our farmers). If this point is raised, the following are the net cash figures:

In 2008 the Government says we sent to Brussels net cash of £6.6 billion. (= £18 million per day, = “857 nurses a day”)
-N.B. In the first “Leaders’ Debate”, Brown said Cameron’s proposal to cut £6.0 billion from public expenditure would send the economy into disaster

The net cash for this year is estimated at £9.7 billion

To “earth” this figure for voters, £9.7 billion = £26 million per day, which pays for 1,225 nurses a day. So the net cash we are sending this year to Brussels, never to see any of it again, pays for “1,225 nurses a day

B. There is also the Institute of Directors and TaxPayers’ Alliance “How to Save £50 billion”. This details £50 billion p.a. of cuts to waste, which could happen in the first year.

C. UKIP’s Budget and the Economy paper details £13 billion p.a., which could be cut by getting rid of a number of useless quangos identified by the TaxPayers’ Alliance.

D. Then there is £18 billion p.a. (for 40 years) for “global warming” (from the Government’s Climate Change Act)

E. And, £ 5 billion p.a. for the “Private Finance Initiative”

A + B + C + D + E = £206 billion per annum
We should be talking about saving say half this figure per annum, but our political leaders continue to argue about £6 billion.

Longer Term

By 2013 the Government estimates that the accumulated “deficit” –the National Debt- will have reached £1,300 billion (1.3 trillion; the “Black Hole”: £20,000 per man, woman and child). This will be roughly 90% of our annual Gross Domestic Product (what the country produces every year). The ‘deficit’ is still forecast to be running at £90 billion, and even that relies on the economy growing at 2.25% p.a., which it isn’t.

And just for fun, the above figures do not include some £300 billion of loans and guarantees made to UK banks which will not all be repaid; and “Quantitative Easing” (printing money) at £200 billion. On top of the £20,000 public sector debt per person, we have also racked up private household debt (primarily residential mortgages) of over £50,000 per average household.

We are in serious trouble.

Friday 23 April 2010


Hello everyone! You will know that we have rights and I am telling you that daily we are loosing them. We are not told this by the parties that have been ruling us on the direction of foreign powers. These right are being removed slowly and by stealth as ordained.

We have a right to be free
We have a right to have a sovereign head of state to whom we declare allegiance
We have a right to be a sovereign state without interference
We have a right to an elected government that undertakes to govern and create laws to the well being of all citizens
We have a right to lead our lives as we see fit so long as it does not impinge on the rights of other
We have a right to defend our nation and give succour to those in need

All these rights are being eroded and we have not been given the right to protest. It is now the time

Stop the undemocratic rule from Brussels which is responsible for up to 80% of new laws

Save £45m daily which is being handed over to the EU and so the extra 10 fold estimated expense in implementing these laws

Reassess the so-called consensus of global warming, now cooling, and listen to evidence from all real scientists and not economists and politicians so saving as estimated global cost of $47 trillion

There is no place for the break up of the UK. Devolved government has to be reassessed. As it is it is counterproductive and grossly expensive. We suffer from over government.

There is very little to choose between the three main failed parties, in fact there is no room for a cigarette paper between them. The SNP is hell bent on the break up of our country and if achieved will lead to financial crises. There is no such thing as independence within Europe. All lies

These are fundamental points and serve to point us all in the right direction for recovery after the disastrous fiscal policies of Mr. Gordon Brown. Then and only then can we start to make a dynamic change to the general good of all.

These are the beliefs of the UK Independent Party. Get back to the basics

Monday 19 April 2010


I strongly recommend that you read the UKIP manifesto. It is packed full of common sense giving a full programme of policies from the economy, law and order, immigration, health, education, defence, agriculture and fishing. Also included are animal rights and by no means least, the scam of anthropogenic global warming.

It can be read and downloaded from this site:

A word of warning. There is media hype about the Lib Dems. I am willing to wager that this is a 10 minute wonder. Before long it will be remembered that of all the failed main parties this one is by far the most in favour of surrendering our country to the powers in Brussels. It is a party of national traitors.

Thursday 15 April 2010

Primary Care

How many of you, my dear readers, have heard some horrifying stories about NHS24? They are, of course legion and as such are deeply disturbing. It is the remoteness of it all that concerns me. When I worked in General Practice, my partners and I had care of our patients 24/7. We knew them all and their histories we carried in our heads. Woken at night by the telephone we usually knew who was at the other end of the line by their voice and we also knew that a diagnosis could rarely be gained by the call alone. I will not say that we did not prefer to stay in our beds but sleep would be impossible! Reluctantly we got up and the further away the patient, the better our mood as by the time we reached them we had quietened down! We were with them in the time it took to get dressed and be down the road in the car.

It is a different story now. First of all one has to go through all the various tiers of command with repeated confirmations of rank, name, number etc and while all this is going on you can hardly get a breath or your loved one is slowly choking and becoming more and more blue. The doctor will arrive hours later if you are lucky because he is miles away on another call. My advice has always been call the ambulance if you are getting no sense in a few minutes. This is wrong, of course, but is usually the only practical answer. Mind you, if you are seeking urgent attention during 9 to 5 and during week days only, you will normally get a good response. However it is not always practical to be ill during these hours!

How times have changed. My remuneration for a night call between 11pm and 7am was £5. For night duty now the fee can be in the order of £1000. Who are these doctors earning these fees? Many are your own GPs! I don't blame them as this is the system in which they work. That does not mean that it is in the interests of the patient as it is not. May be it is easy to say it now that I have retired but life in the good old days was hard but it was rewarding. We gained and I hope the patient did too.

We, the patients can be getting a raw deal and I strongly believe that the service given in the past far outweighs that given now. To get GPs to return to the former care regimes will be difficult but I would tell them the service offered would be so much better and they will feel so much more rewarded.

There is a real need to rethink the health service, cut out waste in the huge management costs, stop chasing crazy targets and just simply get down to looking after people. Lastly how often have you heard that "experts" have found a new way for you to live your life, only to have this corrected by another team of "experts" a short time later? Drives you mad!


The report on the leaked emails from the University of East Anglia has been released and an insight comment on it is below. The inquiry was government sponsored and if like me you are suspicions, you will not be surprised about this report. Lord Oxburgh is very much an interested party in the whole politics and finance of this climate scam so I would suggest the report is treated with considerable scepticism. Notice the estimated world cost of $45trillion.

Disgraced MP Stephen Byers is the international president of Globe, a
powerful climate-change lobbymg body. Its directors include Lord
Oxburgh, head of an 'independent' inquiry into the controversial
Climatic Research Unit

Can we trust the 'Climategate' inquiry?

There has been a curious byproduct of the attempts being made by the
University of East Anglia to whitewash last November's embarrassing
leak of documents from its Climatic Research Unit. Since it set up not
one but two supposedly "independent" inquiries into the "Climategate"
affair, climate sceptics were intrigued but not entirely surprised to
find that almost all their members were committed, even fanatical
advocates of global warming, and hence unlikely to be over-critical of
the CRU's bizarre record.

Most recently, the sceptics have been particularly intrigued by the
background of the man chosen by the university to chair an assessment
of the CRU's scientific record. Lord Oxburgh declared on his
appointment that he is linked to major wind-farm and renewable-energy
companies. He admitted that he advises Climate Change Capital, which
manages funds worth $1.5 billion, hoping to cash in on the
"opportunities created by the transition to a low-carbon economy", in
a world market potentially worth - its website boasts - $45trilllion.

What Lord Oxburgh kept quiet about, however, is that he is also a
director and vice-chairman of a strange little private company few of
us had heard of known as Globe International. The name stands for
"Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced Environment", and it
describes itself as a worldwide network to lobby governments to take
more drastic action on climate change. Globe is certainly
well-connected, as it showed just before last December's Copenhagen
conference by staging a seminar addressed by, among others, the
conference's chairman Yvo de Boer, as well as Nancy Pelosi and Ed
Markey, the leaders of the campaign to push a cap-and trade-scheme -
which could make a lot of people fabulously rich - through the US

The international president of this lobbying organisation turns out to
be none other than Stephen Byers MP, now best known for his
description of himself on last week's Dispatches as "like a cab for
hire", happy to take £5,000 a day for using his influence as a

Globe clearly knows how to pick its men. Its UK parliamentary team
also includes Elliot Morley MP, Globe's former president, and David
Chaytor MP, both of whom now face criminal charges for fraud in
connection with their expenses claims. Considering the record of some
of his colleagues, it is perhaps not surprising that Lord Oxburgh was
not too keen to declare his interest in this odd little outfit when he
was appointed to chair an inquiry as to whether the world can rely on
the evidence produced by the CRU to support its advocacy for global
warming. But I am sure we can all have every confidence as to which
way his inquiry's conclusions are likely to point.

Monday 12 April 2010

At It Again

Have you noticed that the LibLabCon Snip are at it again? Here we are entering another election where the single most important question is being ignored. Billions are being spent on the unelected rule from Brussels and still they prefer to glass over the whole fiasco. There have been promises to us, the electorate, to have a referendum on the single most damaging legislation giving even more control to the EU only to ignore these in a string of lies. I remind you, my readers, that the single most important deceit has been in the denial that the EU Constitution is not the Lisbon Treaty. I fear that none of the main failed parties can be trusted to ever give us a say in our relationship with the countries of Europe. Again I remind you that we have no say in our government and that those in Westminster and Edinburgh are no more than puppets on a string. However in two ways at least they are effective; raising taxes and wasting them. The current financial crisis has been brought about by sheer incompetence and overspending in the public sector. We are all being lead like lambs to the slaughter.

It is vital that our whole relationship with Europe is addressed and that we regain control of our destiny. One set of policies can never fit all the countries within the EU. I am willing to wager that soon we be will helping to bail out Greece Spain, Portugal and Ireland. With what and our £167bn deficit?

The so called main parties and media are frightened of us, UKIP. Why? It is because we seek to spell out the truth and bring some sense into government with straight talking. When it comes to voting we must vote with the heart and not to just keep some other party out. Until we do this there will never be any change in the government of our country. No vote is ever wasted in this way. After all it is our country that matters. Beware of the political elite! As I have said before, until we set the base line right we will never get out of the bit. Have a great campaign! I will be back with more.

Monday 5 April 2010

General Election 2010

The election is almost upon us and Gordon Brown cannot avoid the voters any longer. During his time first as Chancellor of the Exchequer and then PM , I fear there has been one disaster after another and now we are all suffering. He appears to have no insight. We desperately need a change but who do we have? There is "Our Dave" and the "Wee Nick" and really there is little to choose between them. There remain grave crises hanging over us; the economy, wars, national sovereignty, climate change, law and order, poor education, immigration and last and by no means least a bunch of politicians who we can not trust and who have been fiddling the system for years and years.

We need a change and some "straight talking". That is the slogan for the UKIP campaign and it says it all. Talk straight, giving the truth and options. First of all the country must balance the books. Certainly in times of economic strife the work force must continue to work constructively and not just push paper around aimlessly. There are far too many in government departments doing just this . Some 51% of the countries workers are in government jobs controlling us, the people. This is ridiculous. To make money and enrich the nation we must export, not just financial services. Having made wealth we must then use it to enrich our lives, and in so doing, that of others who have been less fortunate. There are two areas where this country is squandering money as though there is no tomorrow; that is the £45m spent daily on membership of the EU together with the extra spent in implementing the deluge of directives from Brussels, estimated at being 10x the initial cost, and the increasingly horrendous liability of the so called consensus of anthropogenic global warming. This cost is running into trillions of dollars and pounds. For what? A political belief that is being increasingly questioned by many, many scientists. To save in just these two areas would go along way in solving the crisis. We could again be in control of our destiny and start to meaningfully participate in world affairs. With just 8% of the vote in the unelected EU we are going nowhere.

Human rights has over reached itself and has to be responsible of the crime rates, poor education and the huge numbers of immigrants. Real asylum seekers are a different matter but those who come here because it is "nice to be here" and fleece the benefit system, I am afraid that there is only one way for them and that is on the first boat or aircraft back. We do not have the room for all these people, or the housing, jobs, education, roads, rail and certainly in times of drought, water. Electricity is soon to give up because of the carbon fear and EU regulation. Anyone who wishes to work in this country should have a work permit and a designated place of work. Further more they must speak the language, honour our customs and agree to bide by our laws. There is no place for ghettos and separate legal systems. There is no doubt all those who wish to work here and be part of our society are more than welcome.

During this coming election there is but one party that has the ability to see what is really the answer, or the honesty to speak of it. Desperately we need change and a complete new philosophy to get our beautiful country back into being a self governing national entity. No EU Vote UKIP!