Wednesday 5 May 2010

The Great Day

It has been a good campaign and the response has been terrific. I am sure that all those who have indicated support will indeed register it in the quiet of the polling booth. We are after numbers so that we can show the country that we care and have the solutions to put our wonderful Kingdom back to where it belongs. It is so important that we vote with both our head and heart. It is principles that matter and there is no mileage voting to just put another party out. It is unlikely that Brown will be back in Number 10. Whatever else happens, even a hung parliament, will be better than 5 more years of his misrule.

There has to be change in the voting system to reflect the mood of the country. For too long now the effective two party system has not given us the government we deserve and has been anything but representative. The Lib.Dems are looking for this change too but they are dangerous as they are too keen to relinquish further control to Brussels. Imagine the disaster of being part of the Euro now. It is bad enough as it is under the Brown years. The SNP is no better as they are looking for the "sanctuary" of the EU instead of being part of the United Kingdom. Crazy!

When you go to the polling station tomorrow please remember that it is our country we want back without foreign intervention. In this way we can grow again and take a useful part in the world as a whole.

Remember this quotation from John Quincy Adams, 6th President of the United States;

"Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweet reflection that your vote is never lost."

Thank you for your support

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