The election is almost upon us and Gordon Brown cannot avoid the voters any longer. During his time first as Chancellor of the Exchequer and then PM , I fear there has been one disaster after another and now we are all suffering. He appears to have no insight. We desperately need a change but who do we have? There is "Our Dave" and the "Wee Nick" and really there is little to choose between them. There remain grave crises hanging over us; the economy, wars, national sovereignty, climate change, law and order, poor education, immigration and last and by no means least a bunch of politicians who we can not trust and who have been fiddling the system for years and years.
We need a change and some "straight talking". That is the slogan for the UKIP campaign and it says it all. Talk straight, giving the truth and options. First of all the country must balance the books. Certainly in times of economic strife the work force must continue to work constructively and not just push paper around aimlessly. There are far too many in government departments doing just this . Some 51% of the countries workers are in government jobs controlling us, the people. This is ridiculous. To make money and enrich the nation we must export, not just financial services. Having made wealth we must then use it to enrich our lives, and in so doing, that of others who have been less fortunate. There are two areas where this country is squandering money as though there is no tomorrow; that is the £45m spent daily on membership of the EU together with the extra spent in implementing the deluge of directives from Brussels, estimated at being 10x the initial cost, and the increasingly horrendous liability of the so called consensus of anthropogenic global warming. This cost is running into trillions of dollars and pounds. For what? A political belief that is being increasingly questioned by many, many scientists. To save in just these two areas would go along way in solving the crisis. We could again be in control of our destiny and start to meaningfully participate in world affairs. With just 8% of the vote in the unelected EU we are going nowhere.
Human rights has over reached itself and has to be responsible of the crime rates, poor education and the huge numbers of immigrants. Real asylum seekers are a different matter but those who come here because it is "nice to be here" and fleece the benefit system, I am afraid that there is only one way for them and that is on the first boat or aircraft back. We do not have the room for all these people, or the housing, jobs, education, roads, rail and certainly in times of drought, water. Electricity is soon to give up because of the carbon fear and EU regulation. Anyone who wishes to work in this country should have a work permit and a designated place of work. Further more they must speak the language, honour our customs and agree to bide by our laws. There is no place for ghettos and separate legal systems. There is no doubt all those who wish to work here and be part of our society are more than welcome.
During this coming election there is but one party that has the ability to see what is really the answer, or the honesty to speak of it. Desperately we need change and a complete new philosophy to get our beautiful country back into being a self governing national entity. No EU Vote UKIP!
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