Monday 12 April 2010

At It Again

Have you noticed that the LibLabCon Snip are at it again? Here we are entering another election where the single most important question is being ignored. Billions are being spent on the unelected rule from Brussels and still they prefer to glass over the whole fiasco. There have been promises to us, the electorate, to have a referendum on the single most damaging legislation giving even more control to the EU only to ignore these in a string of lies. I remind you, my readers, that the single most important deceit has been in the denial that the EU Constitution is not the Lisbon Treaty. I fear that none of the main failed parties can be trusted to ever give us a say in our relationship with the countries of Europe. Again I remind you that we have no say in our government and that those in Westminster and Edinburgh are no more than puppets on a string. However in two ways at least they are effective; raising taxes and wasting them. The current financial crisis has been brought about by sheer incompetence and overspending in the public sector. We are all being lead like lambs to the slaughter.

It is vital that our whole relationship with Europe is addressed and that we regain control of our destiny. One set of policies can never fit all the countries within the EU. I am willing to wager that soon we be will helping to bail out Greece Spain, Portugal and Ireland. With what and our £167bn deficit?

The so called main parties and media are frightened of us, UKIP. Why? It is because we seek to spell out the truth and bring some sense into government with straight talking. When it comes to voting we must vote with the heart and not to just keep some other party out. Until we do this there will never be any change in the government of our country. No vote is ever wasted in this way. After all it is our country that matters. Beware of the political elite! As I have said before, until we set the base line right we will never get out of the bit. Have a great campaign! I will be back with more.

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