Saturday 14 August 2010

The Big Society and Carbon Sin

Several weeks ago I sent a letter to Mr.David Cameron PM after he had announced his plan for the "Big Society". At last, we as citizens would have the chance to share in government so it was in full of hope that I wrote him "suggesting" that he should give us the referendum he had promised on the EU Constitution/Lisbon Treaty and also give us one on membership of the EU. We all know that we have never been asked to governed by foreign powers and it is certainly time that our consensus be sort. I for one will certainly not give it!

Guess what, there has been no reply not even from one of the many minions employed by us to write the usual letter that "the contents have been noted and thanks for contacting the PM". Again the politicians prefer to stay on a different planet than the rest of us. The "Big Society" sounds a very good idea, but what does it really mean? We have heard no more about it since he announced it all those weeks ago so it may be just one of those Goebbel's-type propaganda exercises.

There have been a number of frightful edicts issuing from Europe in the last few months:
1. The smacking of children
2. Continuing control of our banking systems
3. The political flag of the ring stars is to be flown from public buildings especially from those which have been in receipt of our money courtesy of the EU. By the way have you noticed that the alter in Westminster has been draped in this same political emblem?
4. Fines are to levied on airlines who had to ground aircraft following the volcanic ash scare on the instructions of governments.
5. Persistent carbon control with impossible targets that only serve to enrich the likes of Al Gore and put surcharges on all fuels. CO2 is a natural gas on which all living creatures depend.

That is just but a few and while on the subject of CO2, have you noticed that the Methodist Church is considering the making of this gas a Sin? You have? Well you could go to Hell for breathing out this gas so may be it is time to turn up our toes before we are to be treated to eternal damnation.

The world is going crazy and I long for the time when we can again be governed by our own elected politicians who have a love of their country with a knowledge of life outside politics. Save us from lawyers!

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