Friday 23 April 2010


Hello everyone! You will know that we have rights and I am telling you that daily we are loosing them. We are not told this by the parties that have been ruling us on the direction of foreign powers. These right are being removed slowly and by stealth as ordained.

We have a right to be free
We have a right to have a sovereign head of state to whom we declare allegiance
We have a right to be a sovereign state without interference
We have a right to an elected government that undertakes to govern and create laws to the well being of all citizens
We have a right to lead our lives as we see fit so long as it does not impinge on the rights of other
We have a right to defend our nation and give succour to those in need

All these rights are being eroded and we have not been given the right to protest. It is now the time

Stop the undemocratic rule from Brussels which is responsible for up to 80% of new laws

Save £45m daily which is being handed over to the EU and so the extra 10 fold estimated expense in implementing these laws

Reassess the so-called consensus of global warming, now cooling, and listen to evidence from all real scientists and not economists and politicians so saving as estimated global cost of $47 trillion

There is no place for the break up of the UK. Devolved government has to be reassessed. As it is it is counterproductive and grossly expensive. We suffer from over government.

There is very little to choose between the three main failed parties, in fact there is no room for a cigarette paper between them. The SNP is hell bent on the break up of our country and if achieved will lead to financial crises. There is no such thing as independence within Europe. All lies

These are fundamental points and serve to point us all in the right direction for recovery after the disastrous fiscal policies of Mr. Gordon Brown. Then and only then can we start to make a dynamic change to the general good of all.

These are the beliefs of the UK Independent Party. Get back to the basics


Stewart Cowan said...


I agree with so much of UKIP's policies and voted for them in last year's EU election. I even put up some anti-EU flags.

I see nothing in UKIP's manifesto about abortion.

Does the party have a policy on the right to life of the unborn?

David said...

Hello Stewart, Good to hear from and learn of your support. I have sought advice on any abortion policy and as I suspected there is nothing official. I have always thought that this has to be a private matter between a physician and the patient. Personally as a GP I used to try to guide the lady concerned towards keeping the baby in fear of future remorse and all that goes with it. However each case is unique and so many factors come into play. To approach the problem in any other way would encroach on rights to freedom. It remains vital to leave the matter to the individuals concerned. As a community we do live in a bully state, having dismissed the nanny and we have to escape from this. This is what all our policies are about. Should you wish to discuss this or anything else please come back to me. All the best.