Saturday 19 November 2011

Enrichment by Politicians

Sarah Palin has attacked Congress for insider trading, forebidden to lesser mortals like you and me. Could this happen in Weatminster and Brussels? You bet it does. How else do so many MPs apparently on their uppers suddenly are to be found in exotic mansions-no names and no pack drill but you will all be able to name not just a few. The details of her revelations are to be found on Newsmax, .
The European saga continues apace and German dominance, that so many lost their lives fighting, is reaching fruitition.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

A Resume

It is time to offer some sort of explanation for the theme of these blogs. Firstly, I care deeply about our country and by that I mean the United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. For hundreds of years we have existed and able to influence the world in many different ways, may be not always successfully but usually to the benefit of all. There has been strife at home as does and will occur with all nations but there is one aspect often not seen elsewhare and that is the great sense of righteousness and fair play. We have a democraticaly elected government and when no longer performinng can be thrown out. The system of election is not perfect and should be changed to be more representative. There is scope for change.

Since the mid seventies when we were asked to join a free trade market in Europe there has been a slow but ever progressive encroachment by a non-elected elete in Brussels over whom we have no control whatever. It is no longer a trading organisation but one of government by stealth. We are told that we have a say at the top table but that only amounts to 9%, therefore no influence in defence of our "sovereign" state. 70% of laws come from this source, there is control over education, civil liberties, law and order, immigration, terms of employment, jobs given to foreigners in preference to our unemployed, co2 policies that are a complete scam, forced purchase of military hardware which is often badly designed and much more expensive than that to be had from the US, and so on. When there is referendum within the EU and if the result is not as the Commission would like, there have to be more until it is. That is democracy!

On top of all this is the on-going saga with the euro which continues to have a catastrophic detrimental global influence. That and the whole European ideal are a gross example of the greed of a few and they should be swept aside . It is a disgrace that they can continue as they are doing in defence of their crazy ideals. One of their lies has been that they claim to have ensured peace in Europe since the last World War. This is sheer nonsense. NATO has done this. Anyway we have seen srife in Yugoslavia and the break up of the USSR, both totalitarian states.

What is the answer to all this? It has to be the break up of the EU as it is now. New treaties have to be made based on a free market and with our position in the world within the Commonwealth a reopenning of the markets there must be made to the mutual benefit of member countries. Ties and responsiblities are strong and should not be forgotten. It has been argued that we can not afford to leave the EU. Again nonsense as we have a negative trade balance with it. Countries there will not be able cease business with us.

Monday 7 November 2011

Greece Continuo

I love it but then I don't. The saga continues and we are now to have a new Greek government which will put everything in order, debts will be written off, the people will leave the streets and be happy with empty pay packets. Taxes will not be collected but olives will still ripen on the trees and all be right again. Some hope! While Greece continues to love the euro which is given to them freely by the kind benefactors in the north of Europe. Merkozy thrive on power as the rest ot the world dances to thier tune. The situation is ridiclous and all for the sake of an ideal that was phoney from the start. Let the people of Europe rise up and end all this nonsense .Germany and France have always tried to rule Europe and they are doing it with no thought on the havoc about to take place. Our own politicians are no better as they wallow in the personal benefits reaped out of Brussels. There is money too in C02 and in Huhne's windmills to say nothing of the £50m handed over daily to the EU. I wonder if Huhne has a governer installed into his car yet. Probably not as that would be too sensible. I write from Mexico where the sun shines and all is "peaceful". At least it is on the Pacific Coast.

Thursday 13 October 2011


The care of elderly in NHS hospitals and homes has again been highlighted as appalling. One has to ask why and what is so at fault with government and administration that such can continue to exist. I know that I shall be accused of harping upon the past but one can not escape that it was really better in the "good old days". It comes down to the old story of too many chiefs and not enough Indians. What is wrong with a dedicated nurse caring for a patient totally, being it washing, cleaning, feeding, clearing up a mess in the bed or on the floor or even changing a light bulb and removing the spider hanging from above ? Nothing! Now we have to have teams of "trained" staff do do each of these things in conjunction with meetings under directives from on high. Above all these good "helpers" there are yet other layers of control or managing. What? There are some nice big salaries to be had here too. There by lies the problem together with the usual multitude of Health and Safety directives from you know where. Sack the lot and return to basics so that we can return to a caring society which will be both better and coast effective.

Friday 7 October 2011

Waiting for the Big Bang

What is going on within the power house of Brussels and the fate of the euro? There have been no hints about any solution and in the meantime the world waits, going from one monetary crisis to the next. It would not be true to say that the euro and the EU in particular are responsible for the global recession but the EU has an awful lot to answer for. Matthew Lynn in Money Week suggests that the Treasury are putting some sort of plan together to combat the demise of this currency and while saying that it would be calamitous, it would not be the end of the world for UK plc. We still have the world financial centre intact so that with the fall of its counterparts in Europe London should blossom. Also we must not forget that we still have our former colonies and the Commonwealth with whom we could and should start trading again to the mutual benefit of all. Loyalties must start at home and if they do not we do not have a chance in hell of getting out of the mess. With regained strength we can again help in the world. We are all struggling with heads under water. Someone has to rise and breathe again. I am not interested in the various Cameron happy chappie-like slogans which are quite meaningless and puerile. Neither am I interested in Clegg and his misguided dogmas relating to windmills, human rights and certainly his blind faith in the EU which has brought us to our knees. Strangely Gordon Brown did one good thing in his years in government, he did not drag us into the euro! Let us see the end of that wretched currency, certainly in its current form, let Greece default in its debts and go its own way without the shackles of the EU. We will then have the prospect of the rest of the PIIGS. So what? at least Europe can implode nicely and we can all get on with one another again. To be governed by our elected representatives would be a real reward and worth all the hardship.

Friday 23 September 2011

Bin the Ring of Stars

Chickens are coming home to roost. There are the folk in the States still trying to get there economy going again and they will,I am sure. However I do not hold such confidence in Euroland. The bunch of nincompoops there are really out of their depth and it is difficult to see what they can do. They should let Greece go but will not until forced. The wounds are self inflicted so really there is little sympathy from me. Tell them that and they will huff and they will puff until the house falls down (on us). What do they care? I remain mesmerised by the prospect of Germany bailing out the whole corrupt system. Can they not see that the blind adherence to their dogma is nothing but disastrous?
In the meantime we must assert our independence more forcibly and let EU know that we no longer wish to be part of the system dragging us into the mire. Let us start by getting rid of that emblem of tyranny, the ring of stars, from our cars, from public buildings and projects funded by the EU with our own money. It is easy and cheap to rid number plates of the wretched symbol using stickers which are readily available from the Ukip Shop.

Friday 9 September 2011

The Winds of Change

The saga within the European empire continues with the usual wriggling and fudge. It may be amusing to watch this from the side lines but it is you and I who are having the bear the brunt of all these machinations. I still fail to see how the German people are going to agree to work hard to keep the likes of the PIIGS afloat. A recent letter to Neil Kinnock asking for his views and an apology for his part in leading us into this mess produced a most informative reply. "Your comments have been noted." This is the way these people listen to the common herd like you and me. No apology of course. There is one way only out of this mess. We must learn how to manufacture again; we were the best once. Offering services where money just goes round and round serves to make the few rich. The country has to produce to sell aboard. Any tradesman will tell you that and with it goes incentive of lower taxes and removal of many restrictive regulations that have been adopted to comply with European law. I can not wait to hear the reactions from Brussels once we do that. We would be fined. So what, we withhold the levy of the daily £50m.

The other show is that of Salmond who is bringing untold riches to Scotland without being part of the EU, from god knows where. He will expect us to live on fresh air, a midge or two if we are lucky while he continues to feast on the best meats of the land. We lost our industry in the Central Belt under Thatcher gaining banks that gambled away our savings. We are still being lead by a very strange bunch of people.

Welcome to UKIP all you Tories once your party flees back across the border. We have policies to make your mouths water. Go into the UKIP web site to learn more and see much common sense; rare these days. That goes for anyone looking for a good alternative and dare I suggest the only alternative! Long live Scotland within a prosperous UK.

Friday 22 July 2011

The End is NIgh

These are exciting times as we seem to watching the implosion of the euro and soon we hope of the whole European project. It is extraordinary that the Germans are having to raise the funds to bale out Greece when all they needed do in the good old days was devalue. May be these are the just deserves for conceiving the concept of a united Europe which joins so many nations of such divergent cultures. I can have no sympathy only relief that we are not part of that monetary system. The worrying aspect of it all is that should the euro turn up its toes we will all be in dire trouble for year to come. None of is the making of the people only by those who have set themselves in power without election. In the meantime the Camerons and Cleggs of this world continue to pour our money into Europe and at a time when we are supposed to tightening our belts to address our own deficit. They reside contentedly in their towers shielded from the effects of their policies while we, the people, pay up. Then there is the scam of the global warming or climate change so called because the earth is becoming cooler. Strangely they seem not to know that carbon is vital to life yet is is now a dirty word and earning huge amounts to the benefit of the few.

There is bright side to every thing and that has to be the recent election results in Finland. True Finns increased their vote form 4% to 19%, a whisper away form being the largest party. Their rivals gained 20.4%!! Go forth and shout for freedom and victory over the tyrants.