Friday 22 July 2011

The End is NIgh

These are exciting times as we seem to watching the implosion of the euro and soon we hope of the whole European project. It is extraordinary that the Germans are having to raise the funds to bale out Greece when all they needed do in the good old days was devalue. May be these are the just deserves for conceiving the concept of a united Europe which joins so many nations of such divergent cultures. I can have no sympathy only relief that we are not part of that monetary system. The worrying aspect of it all is that should the euro turn up its toes we will all be in dire trouble for year to come. None of is the making of the people only by those who have set themselves in power without election. In the meantime the Camerons and Cleggs of this world continue to pour our money into Europe and at a time when we are supposed to tightening our belts to address our own deficit. They reside contentedly in their towers shielded from the effects of their policies while we, the people, pay up. Then there is the scam of the global warming or climate change so called because the earth is becoming cooler. Strangely they seem not to know that carbon is vital to life yet is is now a dirty word and earning huge amounts to the benefit of the few.

There is bright side to every thing and that has to be the recent election results in Finland. True Finns increased their vote form 4% to 19%, a whisper away form being the largest party. Their rivals gained 20.4%!! Go forth and shout for freedom and victory over the tyrants.

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