Monday 7 November 2011

Greece Continuo

I love it but then I don't. The saga continues and we are now to have a new Greek government which will put everything in order, debts will be written off, the people will leave the streets and be happy with empty pay packets. Taxes will not be collected but olives will still ripen on the trees and all be right again. Some hope! While Greece continues to love the euro which is given to them freely by the kind benefactors in the north of Europe. Merkozy thrive on power as the rest ot the world dances to thier tune. The situation is ridiclous and all for the sake of an ideal that was phoney from the start. Let the people of Europe rise up and end all this nonsense .Germany and France have always tried to rule Europe and they are doing it with no thought on the havoc about to take place. Our own politicians are no better as they wallow in the personal benefits reaped out of Brussels. There is money too in C02 and in Huhne's windmills to say nothing of the £50m handed over daily to the EU. I wonder if Huhne has a governer installed into his car yet. Probably not as that would be too sensible. I write from Mexico where the sun shines and all is "peaceful". At least it is on the Pacific Coast.

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