Saturday 19 November 2011

Enrichment by Politicians

Sarah Palin has attacked Congress for insider trading, forebidden to lesser mortals like you and me. Could this happen in Weatminster and Brussels? You bet it does. How else do so many MPs apparently on their uppers suddenly are to be found in exotic mansions-no names and no pack drill but you will all be able to name not just a few. The details of her revelations are to be found on Newsmax, .
The European saga continues apace and German dominance, that so many lost their lives fighting, is reaching fruitition.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

A Resume

It is time to offer some sort of explanation for the theme of these blogs. Firstly, I care deeply about our country and by that I mean the United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. For hundreds of years we have existed and able to influence the world in many different ways, may be not always successfully but usually to the benefit of all. There has been strife at home as does and will occur with all nations but there is one aspect often not seen elsewhare and that is the great sense of righteousness and fair play. We have a democraticaly elected government and when no longer performinng can be thrown out. The system of election is not perfect and should be changed to be more representative. There is scope for change.

Since the mid seventies when we were asked to join a free trade market in Europe there has been a slow but ever progressive encroachment by a non-elected elete in Brussels over whom we have no control whatever. It is no longer a trading organisation but one of government by stealth. We are told that we have a say at the top table but that only amounts to 9%, therefore no influence in defence of our "sovereign" state. 70% of laws come from this source, there is control over education, civil liberties, law and order, immigration, terms of employment, jobs given to foreigners in preference to our unemployed, co2 policies that are a complete scam, forced purchase of military hardware which is often badly designed and much more expensive than that to be had from the US, and so on. When there is referendum within the EU and if the result is not as the Commission would like, there have to be more until it is. That is democracy!

On top of all this is the on-going saga with the euro which continues to have a catastrophic detrimental global influence. That and the whole European ideal are a gross example of the greed of a few and they should be swept aside . It is a disgrace that they can continue as they are doing in defence of their crazy ideals. One of their lies has been that they claim to have ensured peace in Europe since the last World War. This is sheer nonsense. NATO has done this. Anyway we have seen srife in Yugoslavia and the break up of the USSR, both totalitarian states.

What is the answer to all this? It has to be the break up of the EU as it is now. New treaties have to be made based on a free market and with our position in the world within the Commonwealth a reopenning of the markets there must be made to the mutual benefit of member countries. Ties and responsiblities are strong and should not be forgotten. It has been argued that we can not afford to leave the EU. Again nonsense as we have a negative trade balance with it. Countries there will not be able cease business with us.

Monday 7 November 2011

Greece Continuo

I love it but then I don't. The saga continues and we are now to have a new Greek government which will put everything in order, debts will be written off, the people will leave the streets and be happy with empty pay packets. Taxes will not be collected but olives will still ripen on the trees and all be right again. Some hope! While Greece continues to love the euro which is given to them freely by the kind benefactors in the north of Europe. Merkozy thrive on power as the rest ot the world dances to thier tune. The situation is ridiclous and all for the sake of an ideal that was phoney from the start. Let the people of Europe rise up and end all this nonsense .Germany and France have always tried to rule Europe and they are doing it with no thought on the havoc about to take place. Our own politicians are no better as they wallow in the personal benefits reaped out of Brussels. There is money too in C02 and in Huhne's windmills to say nothing of the £50m handed over daily to the EU. I wonder if Huhne has a governer installed into his car yet. Probably not as that would be too sensible. I write from Mexico where the sun shines and all is "peaceful". At least it is on the Pacific Coast.