Thursday 21 February 2008

Thoughts for Mr. Brown

There were 500 folk (voters on the list) in East Fife's heartland of our PM who were asked about a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, as Brown would have it and very few others in the EU, but as everyone else would call it, the EU Constitution. The question was simple; do you or do you not want a referendum? 85% said that they wanted one!

Now what has Mr. Brown said or done about it? Nothing of course. He continues in his autocratic and fascist way to ignore the people and his promise to hold such a referendum. The media has done little to acknowledge this vote. Why?

What can we do about this? Continue to badger MPs and remind them that they were voted into Parliament to represent us. Talk about the destruction of our country and loss of sovereignty to Europe. Talk about the cost to each tax payer of at least £2000 per annum.

There is an accumulated trade deficit of £365bn with Europe. Remind everyone that EU accountants have not passed the Commission's accounts for 13 years because of fraud. 80% of all new laws originate in Brussels which are ratified by Parliament without debate but will be gold-plated in the process.

We have never been asked to be part of the EU, only the EC that was based on trade only. Politicians of all three main parties have been have not been honest with us. It is high time that we were given opportunity to vote not only about the Constitution as promised but about continued membership of the EU as it stands today. EFTA is a much more viable option.

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