Thursday 12 December 2013

Our Borders or Lack of

What is happening to our country? I fail to understand our politicians who on the face of it have lost all loyalty with no perspective for the effect that their policies will have on future generations. The EU is a dead duck but the bureaucrats there will persist writhing in their death throes as more and more people suffer from unemployment and they continue to draw their fat salaries. In the meantime more and more people swarm into our country bleeding the welfare system, filling jails, begging on the streets as politicians rant on that it is good for the country to have all the extra expertise that we badly need. Rubbish, of course, but there is some truth perhaps as for decades there has been little effort put into trades. Get a degree has been the motto, only to find there is no work except cleaning dishes or the streets with your BA Hons.

There is nothing wrong with immigration but it needs controlling so that people enter with a particular job in hand. Then there is the unlimited ingress of people of different faiths who are not required to respect that of the country. Many come here with hate in their hearts which they spread to the vulnerable. In our own country we now have no-go areas controlled by these people. In the last war thousands died to prevent this so that now we see that they died in vain. So called Human Rights has much to answer for. Rights of the indigenous people have been forgotten.

As for Scottish Independence, this is a dangerous red herring and will do everlasting harm to those both north and south of the border. It is based on hate, hate of the English. Since James VI became James I of the united kingdoms Britain has gone from strength to strength influencing the world usually to its benefit. The British sense of fairness has prevailed.

I look for a new generation of politicians who are not the product of universities with no experience of the world, but who have a genuine desire to make our country and better place in which to live. We must be allowed to control our destiny, trade freely throughout the world and be able to question such bizarre doctrines like that promoted by the IPCC which is doing untold damage to all, rich and poor.

Politicians, remember the destiny of our youth. You seem to have no thought for them