Thursday 13 October 2011


The care of elderly in NHS hospitals and homes has again been highlighted as appalling. One has to ask why and what is so at fault with government and administration that such can continue to exist. I know that I shall be accused of harping upon the past but one can not escape that it was really better in the "good old days". It comes down to the old story of too many chiefs and not enough Indians. What is wrong with a dedicated nurse caring for a patient totally, being it washing, cleaning, feeding, clearing up a mess in the bed or on the floor or even changing a light bulb and removing the spider hanging from above ? Nothing! Now we have to have teams of "trained" staff do do each of these things in conjunction with meetings under directives from on high. Above all these good "helpers" there are yet other layers of control or managing. What? There are some nice big salaries to be had here too. There by lies the problem together with the usual multitude of Health and Safety directives from you know where. Sack the lot and return to basics so that we can return to a caring society which will be both better and coast effective.

Friday 7 October 2011

Waiting for the Big Bang

What is going on within the power house of Brussels and the fate of the euro? There have been no hints about any solution and in the meantime the world waits, going from one monetary crisis to the next. It would not be true to say that the euro and the EU in particular are responsible for the global recession but the EU has an awful lot to answer for. Matthew Lynn in Money Week suggests that the Treasury are putting some sort of plan together to combat the demise of this currency and while saying that it would be calamitous, it would not be the end of the world for UK plc. We still have the world financial centre intact so that with the fall of its counterparts in Europe London should blossom. Also we must not forget that we still have our former colonies and the Commonwealth with whom we could and should start trading again to the mutual benefit of all. Loyalties must start at home and if they do not we do not have a chance in hell of getting out of the mess. With regained strength we can again help in the world. We are all struggling with heads under water. Someone has to rise and breathe again. I am not interested in the various Cameron happy chappie-like slogans which are quite meaningless and puerile. Neither am I interested in Clegg and his misguided dogmas relating to windmills, human rights and certainly his blind faith in the EU which has brought us to our knees. Strangely Gordon Brown did one good thing in his years in government, he did not drag us into the euro! Let us see the end of that wretched currency, certainly in its current form, let Greece default in its debts and go its own way without the shackles of the EU. We will then have the prospect of the rest of the PIIGS. So what? at least Europe can implode nicely and we can all get on with one another again. To be governed by our elected representatives would be a real reward and worth all the hardship.