Friday 23 September 2011

Bin the Ring of Stars

Chickens are coming home to roost. There are the folk in the States still trying to get there economy going again and they will,I am sure. However I do not hold such confidence in Euroland. The bunch of nincompoops there are really out of their depth and it is difficult to see what they can do. They should let Greece go but will not until forced. The wounds are self inflicted so really there is little sympathy from me. Tell them that and they will huff and they will puff until the house falls down (on us). What do they care? I remain mesmerised by the prospect of Germany bailing out the whole corrupt system. Can they not see that the blind adherence to their dogma is nothing but disastrous?
In the meantime we must assert our independence more forcibly and let EU know that we no longer wish to be part of the system dragging us into the mire. Let us start by getting rid of that emblem of tyranny, the ring of stars, from our cars, from public buildings and projects funded by the EU with our own money. It is easy and cheap to rid number plates of the wretched symbol using stickers which are readily available from the Ukip Shop.

Friday 9 September 2011

The Winds of Change

The saga within the European empire continues with the usual wriggling and fudge. It may be amusing to watch this from the side lines but it is you and I who are having the bear the brunt of all these machinations. I still fail to see how the German people are going to agree to work hard to keep the likes of the PIIGS afloat. A recent letter to Neil Kinnock asking for his views and an apology for his part in leading us into this mess produced a most informative reply. "Your comments have been noted." This is the way these people listen to the common herd like you and me. No apology of course. There is one way only out of this mess. We must learn how to manufacture again; we were the best once. Offering services where money just goes round and round serves to make the few rich. The country has to produce to sell aboard. Any tradesman will tell you that and with it goes incentive of lower taxes and removal of many restrictive regulations that have been adopted to comply with European law. I can not wait to hear the reactions from Brussels once we do that. We would be fined. So what, we withhold the levy of the daily £50m.

The other show is that of Salmond who is bringing untold riches to Scotland without being part of the EU, from god knows where. He will expect us to live on fresh air, a midge or two if we are lucky while he continues to feast on the best meats of the land. We lost our industry in the Central Belt under Thatcher gaining banks that gambled away our savings. We are still being lead by a very strange bunch of people.

Welcome to UKIP all you Tories once your party flees back across the border. We have policies to make your mouths water. Go into the UKIP web site to learn more and see much common sense; rare these days. That goes for anyone looking for a good alternative and dare I suggest the only alternative! Long live Scotland within a prosperous UK.