Monday 8 November 2010

Nigel and the Media

Congratulations to Nigel Farage on his relection to the leadership of UKIP. How many have noticed that in spite of UKIP being the second largest UK party in Brussels and the majority of the electorate supporting their aims, the Daily Telegraph virtually ignored this result? NIgel was mentioned, it is true, but at the bottom of an inner page coupled an unrelated matter about Nikki Sinclaire. Even the BBC gave reasonable coverage.That has to be an achievement!

Why is that the Telegraph has to so negative and I would say disparaging? There are many writers who are symapthetic to the aim of leaving the EU including,Simon Heffer, Charles Moore,James Delingpole, Christopher Booker in the Sunday editon, and many others. Even the editor in his editorial today was highly sceptic. To have the paper reply to any letter of complaint is impossible. Perhaps the paper is really too much the Torygraph to become more representative of the public. The time is ripe for the people of our land to stand up and be counted against the tyranny from Europe. Persistent letters to the media must help so please do as I say (and do!). It is high time that the Telegraph understood that there are sceptics not only amongst the Tories but are strongly represented by UKIP. There are some in the Labour Party too. I am not sure about the Europhile Whigs as most seem to be intent on denying our country to its rightful citizens.

There one other way of drawing attention to us; by a stunt or two but not by falling out of the skies. Enough of that Nigel,thank you.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

It gets no better, does it?

We have Madam Ashton spending our money as though there is no fiscal upheaval and no tomorrow. This money goes on financing new EU embassies and bullet proof limousines to the tune of some £38m on these vehicles alone. Then we have MEPs and the commission wanting to spend an extra 6% with David Cameron saying ”no”, but yielding to 2.9% which is really 3% like the old trick of 1.99.

Today we hear that criminals, who have shunned their rights by the crimes they have committed being granted the right to vote as the Human Rights lot in Europe have ruled it is against their “rights” to be denied this democratic privilege. At least Cameron is alleged to be furious!

We have entered into a military treaty with France to share two aircraft carriers as we can no longer afford to keep the Ark Royal or supply planes to the two that are to be built. One is to be moth-balled or sold. Tell me what is to happen should there be a crisis? The French have deployed their vessel somewhere, ours is in for its routine refit lasting three years and war breaks out in one of our dependencies, so what do we do> Nothing, because we can not. Not quite as the war can be won with submarines we are told. In the meantime we continue to poor £45m plus daily into Brussels and build wind turbines.

Our children continue to learn little at school while teachers are forced to manipulate targets to prove how good the system is. Those who manage to get to university leave with a slender chance of a job and a large overdraft while so called IT experts from aboard take what jobs there are, be it in IT or often in a different field so depriving our own graduates. Then again is the mad policy of creating an army of graduates and no tradesmen, only to fill the gap with émigrés from Europe instead of them using their skills in their own country.
Politicians and the government have gone mad.

I write this on the day of the Mid Term elections in the US. I wait and look forward to dramatic inroads by the Tea Party who are similar in their ideals to UKIP. We should have much to learn form this heroic group.