Tuesday 8 June 2010

Simple Answers

It is some weeks since the election and we have had time to get used to the coalition of Lib/Dem Con. As was to be suspected after the disasters of the previous government this beloved country is in dire straits and getting worse by the day. Thanks to the machinations of Brown et al. we are all poorer with belts getting tighter. We have the disaster in the Mexican Gulf, there are the financial deceits of the Greeks coming home to roost, Germans starting to revolt against having to bail them out and the promise of worse to come from the other members of the PIIGS brigade. Spain seems to be leading the way here and am I not glad that I do not have property there on ground that I do not own!

I can see it coming. It will not be long before we will dragged into the mire to help bail out this lot with money we do not have in spite of not being part of the Eurozone. More and more debt. There is one simple answer to most of our country's problems and that is to leave the EU once and for all, so saving billions of pounds in one fell swoop; in the order of £150bn annually when all the expenses of implication of EU regulations are brought into the equation. Good bye deficit! But no, our dear coalition remains firmly attached to the apron strings of Brussels/Strasbourg.

There is no doubt that we are over governed so the removal of this one layer would go a long way on the road to recovery. But it should not stop there as we need to rationalise at home too, ridding ourselves of Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland MPs and have the elected ones in Westminster return to their countries regularly to work on local matters. So much time and money is wasted on hot air.

One other huge waste of money is the scam of man-made global warming/climate change (call it what you will). Daily there are more and more exposures of the deceit being practised upon us by "expert scientists" in the IPCC, Met. Office and the East Anglia College. For this we are having to face huge sums for carbon exchanges and ineffectual wind turbines which inconveniently stop when the wind dies. Carbon dioxide is an essential part of life and can rise many fold before it can bring about meaningful temperature rises. The earth has been there before and life has continued. Somewhat inconveniently the earth is now cooling, ice caps grow and polar are thriving. Anyone notice the cold winter and spring? Have a good day.