Sunday 9 March 2008

Letter to Mr.Miliband MP

Below is a in answer to a letter that I received from a person called Hussein in the Foreign Office. The original letter was a plea that the government give us the referendum promised. In essence the letter claimed that the Treaty of Lisbon was not the Constitution Treaty and so no referendum. The usual denial. The flagrant dismissal of the electorate has to be deplored.

Dear Mr.Miliband,

Thank you for the letter of the 3rd inst and the care taken by Mr/Mrs/Ms Hussein in trying to explain the position of the Government. In reality I accept very little of what was written.

As acknowledged by the European Scrutiny Committee in the House the Lisbon Treaty is essentially the same as the Constitution. That the EU should change the name and then disregard the votes of the French and Dutch is sheer blatant dishonesty. Only communists, fascists and Nazis practice this type of government. That the Constitution and Treaty are one and the same is also acknowledged by most heads of the State in the EU. Self deceit on the part of G Brown et al. is just not good enough. That Ring of Stars and the “Ode to Joy” are still being flaunted. The High Representative is still going to act as Foreign Minister. Etc. Etc. Also European law is supreme over national law. European police will be stationed in this country with powers of arrest. We will be forced to supply militia to the EU Army. Again Etc. Etc.

We have gained lot by being a member of the EU, so you say. Sure, we are a lot poorer. We trade heavily with Europe but the accumlated debt is now £365bn. Some trade! We would be trading with European countries in or out of the EU because it is in their interests to do so. Being out, we should have much more freedom to trade world wide and especially with our former colonies and those whose forebearers were born in this country. There are stronger ties with these countries than with those in the “European State”. It is a disgrace that we have to treat our “relatives” as strangers and with punitive taxes dictated by the unelected in Brussels.

You refer to jobs. New jobs were created for our unemployed at great expense but 80% of these jobs have been taken up by immigrants and vagrants from Europe. Another fiasco. What about all the fishermen who have lost there jobs to foreign fishermen fishing UK waters? Take a look at the empty ports and derelict villages along our coasts in the knowledge that French and Spanish fishermen are plundering our waters. While you are at it, look at the empty fields set aside because Brussels thought there was a food mountain that has now become a hole. What about the millions of pounds returned to Brussels as a fine because your government did not pay the last compensations due to farmers? Remember the boycott of beef by the French and Germans months after our herds were clear of BSE?

You have mentioned free medical care across Europe. Well, this was available before the EU.
Yet another myth. I am certain I would never buy a house in Spain when it can be demolished in front of your eyes in favour of public works because it is not possible to own the land. Neither would I reside there when I could be incarcerted for months or years without trial.

The EU is controlled by power-hungry politicians and bureaucrats, it is fraudulent as acknowledged by the auditors. It is grossly extravagant eg two Parliament buildings instead on one to appease the French. The bill for interpretors is obscene so too, expenses claimed .”Peace” in Europe has not been achieved by the EU but by NATO so let us start by being honest about this too. What about the flood of regulations vomited up by the unelected autocratic Commission which are accepted without debate and gold plated by our “government”? Take the nonsense about the metric system. This should not have been forced upon us and people have been imprisoned because they prefer to use imperial units that they understand and are often more logical. There is a place for both units and we should be allowed to use both freely without being criminalised.

I suspect Global Warming has nothing to do with man but is a direct result of sun activity, cosmic rays and cloud formation. Warming and cooling has been a feature ever since the earth was formed. Perhaps you may not be aware that Pluto’s moon Triton is hotter, so too, Mars. This can hardly be due to man! Somewhat strangely the Polar Ice Caps have more ice than thirty years ago So contrary to this, we have a scare encouraged by many governments including the wise men in Brussels/Strasbourg. Following this we have carbon credits and debits in utility companies the cost of which is bourne by us, the users. Al Gore gets richer and the landscape sprouts wind generators that for most of the time are useless or grossly underperforming. Both Denmark and Germany have stopped installing wind generators. Thanks to Brussels for carbon targets and insisting on a system that simply does not work.

The references to the NSPCC, Sport and International Development are meaningless and irrelevent.

Now down to specifics.

1. European Justice will be supreme. Good bye to Habeas Corpus.
2. Articles 61 and 69 will harmonise civil and criminal laws under Brussell’s control. Good bye again.
3. Article 68 forces identity cards on us. Did your government tell us that this is due to the EU? No.
4. The EU will control our borders, asylum and immigration. There are far too many of these people already in.this country. I have no problem with foreigners but large numbers cause cultural imbalance, resentment, ghettoes, difficult terrorist policing and inflated prison numbers. 7% of prisonners are not native to these soils. The Trojan Horse effect grows.
5. There will be higher taxes to run these immigration controls and the EU will dictate the duration of stay of foreigners including those from our former colonies and Commonwealth. A disgrace.
6. Article 58 permits EU protectionism against third party states so directly acting against the Commonwealth yet again.
7. States within the EU will be able to subsidise state industries eg. German Iron and Steel, French businesses in general. This flies contrary to competition laws that are currently closing our Post Offices. There is a the threat to jobs as the movement is away from free trade. Businesses will not come to this country as Brussels contemplates its navel more and more assiduously.
8. Twice the number of vetoes are lost as happened in the Maasstricht Treaty and 5 times more than those given away at the creation of the Single Market.
9. The treaty is self amending, article 30B, so that there will be no more need of further treaties. This has the potential being the most damaging of all articles.
10. Article 176 threatens to give Brussels control of energy and North Sea Oil especially in a crisis which will be defined by Brussels. Signing to this is particularly disgraceful and treasonable.
11. The so-called red lines will become meaningless as they become eroded and “leak like sieves”.
12. UK influence in the EU will be reduced from 30% to 8%. So much then for our influence in the “State of Europe”. Sovereignty, Sovereignty, where art thou, O Sovereignty?

The curtailed debates in the House on the “treaty” is nothing more than a deceitful ruse to push the wretched thing through. Full debate had been promised, like the referendum and true to form you reneged on this too. The disgust held by the electorate would seem to be unsurpassed but that does not worry you as it is only too apparent that you hold no regard for the voters who elected you to represent them. It is highly probable that you would loose a referendum and that has to be the sole reason for the arrogant neglect that your government has displayed. Your system of government is nothing short of fascist.

The government has continuously refused to cost membership of the EU for reason best known to yourselves and this is another disgrace as we as tax payers are entitled to have this information. However estimates have been made, as you well know, and membership does not come cheap at £50bn annually. Put another way this is a charge of £1000 to every man, woman and child in this country. In reality, tax payers will be taking on more than this. As we get nothing for this except over regulation, loss of sovereignty and demise of the country that in recent times has survived two world wars with the death of millions as a result. Politicians have got it wrong again and in so doing preside over an unhappy and demoralised nation. Jean Monet said that the EU will be imposed by stealth as it would not be accepted by the citizens of Europe. That is just what you are doing and to hell with the people. Thanks a lot.

I take no pleasure in having to write to you in these terms but as I have said before, I am deeply concerned about this country and it is only right that you be made aware of this. Have you heard of the word “Democracy”? G Brown thinks he has when he referred to it while demonstrators walked the roofs of Parliament. It is a pity that he does not practice it inside the building.

Finally I recommend that you read “Scared to Death” by Booker and North and you will soon realise that before you jump in politics you must learn to walk. Failures in the recent past are appalling.

Yours sincerely